It is a common presumption that, Mahabharata happened around 1200 BC - 800 BC. I personally dont agree with that. But, that is another blog altogether.
But, for a second, let us agree, that MBH happened around 1100 BC.
Current Popular wisdom puts the Trojan war at 1194–1184 BC . This one is according the Erastothenes. It also signifies Bronze age collapse. Some still consider this Mythological. But, there is no doubt that a city named Troy has been found.
Now, the people who attacked Troy, ostensibly to regain the Miss Universe[Helen,albeit 10 years later] were Greeks. But, they called themselves as Aacheans. Let us just note this word.
Hell happened. Great amount poetry was written. Men, women ,children died. Some were told in poetry.Others sold in slavery. Some became heroes. Hey, was Achillies gay?
The Roman empire started this moment since, Aeneas escaped.
Flash-forward 550 BC - 500+ Years later. There lies this huge empire.All the way from Modern Amritsar or Maybe Lahore. to Egypt. There is an inscription found at Behistun. Iran. Here the Great emporer Darius I claims, he is descended from Achaemenids. Does this sound co-incidental? After all, This derivation comes from the 1st king of achaemenids.
It is widely known that Aacheans after sacking Troy were dispersed across seas. And went on the create Colonies in many places in Asia Minor. It wont be a stretch that some of them landed in persia.
Let us look at Cyrus I. He is considered as the man who created the first big empire. His name is actually a Latinised version of an Old persian name Khurus. Now, if you're Indian, who has read Mahabharata, the similarity is striking. Since, Kurus were the dynasty which actually ruled Hastinapur in Northen India[Modern Kausambhi] . Even the Pandavas who won the MBH war were Kurus.
Did some people migrate after the war, if and when it happened?
Let us look at Trojan war again. Now, in their side, they had a warrior named Memnon. He is supposed to have an Indian contingent. And different sources say, that, he conquered/came from Susa , ethiopia or, whatever.
Now, who was the chief general of Aacheans[the ones who opposed Trojans]. He was Aga-memnon. The name explains a lot again. Was Memnon an Indian? who knows?He was half-brother to Priam, the king of Troy.
Let us look at historical evidence around this. The Hittities seem to have reference to Trojan war in favour of a king called alexandros. The alternate name of Paris was alexandors.
Now, The Hittities used Mittani methods for horse training. Training Manuals which were written in Sanskrit. with references in treaties to Varuna, Indra and many Rigvedic Devas.
Some of these Gods were present in Zend Avesta for example Varuna is very big as is Mitra. This is the same book which Persians/Achaemenids believed in.
This is obviously a lot to swallow. But, you don't have to believe this. Just read it once, and enjoy.
My last line is the clincher -: Rigveda which is considered oldest. Here is the thing. It has many tribes referred. One of them was known as Parsus. or shall we say Persians.
We are talking of one world here. We are all more similar than we realise.