Tourism and entrepreneurship as an odia - shortsightedness

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Quoting the recent article in business standard about tourism in Odisha, Mr JK Mohanty had this to say about Tourism in the state.

'Lack of an international airport, want of adequate publicity, inordinate delay in allotment of land for hotels and consequential sluggishness in expansion of hotel rooms topped with an unbearable delay in finalization of the proposed tourism policy has virtually dwarfed the growth of the tourism sector'

All of the above, eminently valuable points. But, how professionally are the existing hotels in Odisha run?

You visit a Hotel in Puri at pretty much anytime of the year. Go ahead and speak in Odia asking for a room, nobody will bother talking to you, forget offering you a room. You feel like a you've entered a No-entry zone. But, if you go there and speak certain other languages[In interest of amity, not mentioned], you will find that, you're welcome. How do I know this ? I'm one the lucky few who can speak multiple languages. Of course ,a British/American accent really helps.

The reality is that, if ur an Odia, you will not get a Hotel room in Puri in the last week of December. Forget the fact, that, I would personally spend a lot more than anyone else in my Hotel, because ,I just love my home state.

Logically, if you have a problem with infrastructure, it makes sense to attract people who are local to this area but, stay outside and high spending power. That is what every country does(look at China). When did we last hear about a special program by tourism association of Odisha attracting Odia NROs(Non - resident Odias). Quoting a popular journalist, they're regarded as self-exiled Intellectuals.

If one speaks with a renowned entrepreneur in Bhubaneswar, the standard trot is about these things,"The state is against us. We need a revolution." You probe deeper in understanding why an Odia entrepreneur speaks like this. The answer comes out -: 'XYZ company or state Govt gave this project to someone else noyt us. We must oppose the Govt/XZYZ.

I rest my case. Things dont work on logic here.

On the subject of entrepreneurs -:Recently, a friend of mine had a unqiue idea to start a small supply unit to deliver snacks to a Hotel. I got a brainwave to create burgers with a filling of Odia alu chop etc. I wanted it supplied by a fairly respectable restaurant in bangalore. Obviously, it was rejected on the silliest of reasons. Still, it was worth a try. Another way of making a unique Odia branding lost. Tomorrow, the burgers will be sold at that Office as Chinese Burgers.

Well, we learn from experiences. :)


Balu Thomas said…
Kerala is the best place i would say....